Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Dusting off the cobwebs...

So it has been a long long while since I've posted, lots of baby things and new house things and holiday things.... it's busy!
I just wanted to post a quick update on how Miss Piper is doing. We are currently 31 weeks and 2 days, and she is kicking and moving like CRAZY! I got diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes a few weeks ago, so I've been working to manage that. It was a definite heartbreak, but it's genetic and I found out my grandmother and half sister were both diagnosed as well when they were pregnant.

I got a happy surprise! (enter shameless plugs here...watchout!) I am on a website called influenster and basically you review products, be it beauty products, pet foods, or clothing lines, and you earn points to eventually get a sample box of great new products to test and review! Today I got my #JollyVoxBox, and I LOVE it!! It's free, and all I have to do is review each product in the box! Mine was filled with NYC HDtrio makeup, Rimmel Show Off lip gloss, Puffs tissues with lotion, Ducktape Duckling mini rolls, and Skinny Cow peanut butter filled chocolates. Obviously I broke into the chocolates first, and they are AMAZING. They only have 17g of carbs and 15g of sugar so PERFECT for someone who can't have too much of those. I'm going to try the makeup later, I am bumming it out today. Baby Piper suuuure does like it when mommy naps :D

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fall Is Here!

I'm so excited! Like many other Georgians, fall is my FAVORITE season! Boots and hats and sweaters galore! Plus, I am enjoying not being pregnant in the middle of summer! I can't imagine someone asking me to put on a bathing suit right now.
We finally got the closing date on our home! We will be moving in as of November 15! I can't wait to decorate Piper's room.
I have decided I'm going to buy several "sleep training" books soon as well. I know that "Baby Wise" and "Happiest Baby On The Block" are the most common and most recommended, so I am going to start with those. I am lucky enough to know an amazing woman who is a baby nurse that specializes in sleep training for multiples, so I can get a few tips from her as well. (If you would like advice from her as well, you can add her on Facebook at Baby Nurse To won't regret it, she's awesome!)
I will post the tips and tricks that I learn on here for any mommies who don't have time/money/sanity left to buy the books :)
I think this weekend Clay and I are going to try and get to Helen or Ellijay for some fall festivities. I really want to enjoy this weather while it's still here!

Here's an update on little miss Piper!
We are on week 23!! YAY!
I have been craving spicy still, and fresh fruits too! I have craved fruit almost the entire time I've been pregnant, I'm hoping Piper loves fruit as much as I am loving it now!
She is figuring out her own little sleep schedule now. She will kick and kick from about 11 PM to midnight, then she seems to sleep til maybe 7 or 8 AM... really depending on when I wake up and how much noise is around. She kicks for about 30 minutes then we take a nap again!
She's all attitude, any time my waist band or seat belt presses too hard into my stomach she kicks it until I move it away! Silly girl.

I hope everyone is enjoying the fall as much as I am, I took a tummy picture on my phone today, so I will upload it soon :)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Nursery Plans!

While looking for the pictures for my nursery I have started to formulate some ALL NEW ideas in my head... so just be warned this may not be the last "Nursery Plans" post! Also, I should mention that today we learned that miss Piper is going to love spicy foods! Before I got pregnant I couldn't handle the spiciness of Hot Cheetos but I ate some today and couldn't eat shovel them into my mouth fast enough. I think she's taking the "Sugar and Spice" title a little too literally...

ANYWAY, here is my nursery plan! To be honest I got a lot of my inspiration from the Baby Garvin blog. I swear I'm not a creepy stalker... she's just brilliant! My color scheme is gray and yellow, very gender neutral. Don't get me wrong, I love pink and I expect her to have plenty of pink in her room as well, but I want her room to be relaxing and happy and I would like it to grow with her as she gets older. I just don't see her (read:myself) loving pink walls for very long.

So here are my little pictures of inspiration, just imagine my color scheme instead of the ones in the pictures :)
here are the colors!
I loved the website I made that palette at: It was so easy to use, and much better than looking for a pre-made palette!
This is from the blog that I'm apparently a super-fan of.
I love the pom-poms, I would make them in light and dark gray and yellow. 
The letters inspired me to do Piper's name above her crib as well, but with a different spin.

This is similar to the one before, but it has my greys and yellows. I also think I like that there are fewer pom poms in the corner.
I found this picture on Pinterest, but it was linked to

This was another find!
Those are definitely my colors, and I love the name hanging from ribbons. My big "original" idea is to paint the name with silver glitter and hang it from ribbons. I don't want too many patterns everywhere, that can be overstimulating for a baby.

So there you have it! I am set on a white crib, light gray walls, and a darker gray dresser. We have an old dresser that I'm attempting to refurbish and customize. So far I've sanded off maybe 1/10th of it... so we will see how that goes! If you have any DIY tricks that will help me, please let me know!

Anyway, hope you're enjoying the blog so far! I will update soon :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

So I've been reading a LOT of blogs about pregnancy and being a mommy, so I decided while I'm on this adventure I should share it. The other blogs I've read have really made me feel like all the feelings, worries, and thoughts I've been having are completely normal, where I thought I was just insane!
My FAVORITE blog is ! That woman has got it going on, and I really admire her. I can't promise to be that organized or creative, but I'm sure gonna try! :) I figure even if no one really reads my blog, at least I'll have all of it to look back on!

Now, I'm already 22 weeks along, little miss Piper Leigh is due to get here February 17th. I haven't been taking belly pictures (I'm still not sure I want to document how many king-sized Hershey's with almonds I've been eating), but I'm really thinking about starting.

Here is what I know about little Piper so far:
-This week she is the size of a papaya! (I'm not sure the size of an average papaya, but I know she weighs ONE WHOLE pound!)
-At our last doctor visit we learned she is right on track with her size.
-Mommy is finally visibly pregnant. Before I just looked like I was chubby, now it's a bonafide baby belly!
-Cravings: pretty much anything, but I've really been wanting cheeseburgers with lots of mustard! This little girl likes her condiments.
-No major swelling of the hands and feet yet, after I get off work sometimes my feet look a little big but I think that's mostly because of the high heels I shove them into. 
-Piper LOVES to kick mommy at around 7 AM. Also, in the ultrasound last time we saw she also loves to hide her face with her hands and cross her legs over each other. Such a lady!

So I'm doing registry stuff... getting down to the nitty gritty... I have to say, I feel like I'm going insane!! This stroller has this.. this one doesn't but it has this other cool option... but this one is prettier... OH MY! I was told to just go into the store and have them really explain it all to me. I hope that helps, because right now I'm not sure what I'm going to choose! If anyone has recommendations, please let me know!

I'm going to post a blog tomorrow about my "vision" for Piper's nursery. I'm obsessed.